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Straightening of the Personhood-Oasis line

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avatar From: OP
Mon, 04 Feb 2019 17:23:01 -0000

As is noticeable when looking at the map, the Personhood-Oasis Line

takes a long detour to reach its destination. See map:


proposed for the construction are 4 variants: A1,A2,B1,B2. These will

all have to be considered. Also, construction will be done by a private

contractor, who will be compensated appropriately (at least 1500 MG).

The following requirements are in place for the railway line:

- Construction of Double-track alignment, with realistic groundwork

(see new line built by Hume2).

- Construction of new commuter train stations at appropriate places

- Connection of Industry to the railway, notably CalebJ's (formerly

CJW) factory and PK industries

- Superseding of PK railway, meeting PK's transportation

needs. (this might be accomplished by adding a third track for PK's

internal use.

The following players will be classed as "affected" by this proposal and

will have to be consulted:

- Piklor

- kail

- CalebJ

Points of Interest served:

- Mountain Hotel

- CalebJ's factory

- PK factory

- Possible new development in green grass area near PK factory

avatar Status Update
Sun, 31 Mar 2019 10:33:02 -0000
This bug was closed.