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Line 5 extension to Leekston East

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avatar From: OP
Mon, 04 Feb 2019 16:37:01 -0000

Line 5 will be extended from Leekston to Leekston east, passing though

a station which has not been named yet. The trackage has already been

built, also, the lineside equipment for interlocking has been installed,

although it has not been configured yet. There is an Island behind

Leekston west, the line might be extended there before it will open to

minimize unnecessary work.

avatar From: OP
Thu, 07 Feb 2019 13:45:01 -0000

The extension to Leekston East has opened. The interlocking is in place

between Rockefeller Runway and Leekston East.

The line is currently in Testing operation, with some turnouts randomly

switching direction at Leekston East due to unknown reasons.
