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[tss] will ATC-tracks become deprecated?

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avatar From: OP
Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:44:01 -0000

When I read the forum entry at


with the sentence '... version of the "stop rail" that is supposed do

successively replace ATC-based railway operation' I get the impression

that it is preparing to declare ATC tracks as deprecated sometime later.

How are the long-term planes?

Stopping a train is only one of the many possibilities of an ATC track,

so I want to know what will happen.

avatar From: Developer
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 08:38:01 -0000

ATC won't become deprecated, because it forms the base of every control interaction with the train except the LZB braking. It won't be deprecated and will still be usable as it always used to. Additionally, there will be a new command to enable/disable ARS. (See linuxworks forum discussion)

Am 25. Januar 2019 14:46:01 MEZ schrieb 91@bugs.linux-forks.de:

>When I read the forum entry at


>with the sentence '... version of the "stop rail" that is supposed do

>successively replace ATC-based railway operation' I get the impression

>that it is preparing to declare ATC tracks as deprecated sometime



>How are the long-term planes?


>Stopping a train is only one of the many possibilities of an ATC track,

>so I want to know what will happen.

avatar Status Update
Wed, 06 Feb 2019 23:32:01 -0000
This bug was closed.