The digiline interrupt uses on the Lua Controller event.msg and on LuaATC/Operation Panel event.message - and is used in both!
That is a massive PITA!
Please depricate immediantly .message and use also .msg , so that program parts for digiline can easily be exchanged.
This PITA had cost me in a few weeks already many hours of unneeded debugging.
I have no idea how this could be possible. The generated event for digilines always contains a field called 'msg', not message.
Both rail and panel use the same function for digiline events. It is defined in active_common.lua
Please don't confuse it with the standard interrupt()s. The field there is indeed called 'message'. Do you mean this?
I'm sorry, you are right, the operation panel internal way is to use ".message", but digiline uses ".msg" for for a longer time - so the use of ".message" for internal messages is for me unexpected.
So I impore you to change ".message" to ".msg" - or to have no broken programs an alias ".msg" for ".message" would be enough.