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RFE: allow switching the target of error output from ATCs and operation panels

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avatar From: OP
Mon, 27 Aug 2018 13:23:01 -0000

Currently all errors in ATCs and operation panels are send to the public chat.

Especially when programming/debugging it would be better when it could be send only to the player working the ATC/panel.

Also an debug output command only to a player for use in the program would help very much, as currently the output goes only to the logfile on the server. That becomes a real pain as only guessing and changing the code is possible.

avatar From: OP
Wed, 29 Aug 2018 12:03:01 -0000


The worst problem is missing possibility to write a debug log for a non-server admin. The server admin can look in the logfile, but no one inside the game can access that log.

A way to enable a local debug log in a LuaATC and an operational panel could solve this, the public chat messages from such items could then also be disabled.

avatar From: OP
Wed, 29 Aug 2018 12:10:01 -0000

Addendum 2:

The Addendum is about LuaATC/operation panels in unloaded areas and when the player who programmed them is not online.

avatar From: Developer
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 09:11:01 -0000

Partially addressed by 1e4156d0.

However, two points still open:

- A way to print() to a specific player only (e.g. the operator)

- Persistent logs accessible in-game ("Addendum")
