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Signal aspect should be simplified

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avatar From: OP
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 17:50:01 -0000

The current signal aspect table is

asp = {

main = {

free = <bool>,

speed = <int ATC>,


dst = {

free = <bool>,

speed = <int ATC>,


shunt = {

free = <bool>,

proceed_as_main = <bool>,


info = {

call_on = <bool>,

dead_end = <bool>,

w_speed = <int>



The problem is the complexity of the table and the fact that asp.*.speed can and (IMHO) should control asp.*.free, making asp.*.free unnecessary. Afaik this should be enough:

asp = {

main = <int ATC>,

dst = <int ATC>,

shunt = {

free = <bool>,

proceed_as_main = <bool>,


info = {

call_on = <bool>,

dead_end = <bool>,

w_speed = <int>



avatar From: Developer
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:27:02 -0000

Yes, this is unnecessary. I don't know what my initial intention behind

this was, but this is not reasonable. The next time I work on the

interlocking code, I will correct this.

avatar From: OP
Tue, 29 Oct 2019 13:43:01 -0000

That's why people *think*.

Simplifying signal aspects is one of the first things I did after forking advtrains.

Also, the current interlocking system is already able to handle dead ends and call-on route, so adding these features will (IMHO) only contribute to the complexity of debugging the mod.

avatar Status Update
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 09:13:01 -0000
This bug was closed.