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trains drive through walls - DEADLY BUG

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avatar From: OP
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:31:01 -0000

Since some time now trains are able to pass any obstacle on the tracks.

That is a GRAVE BUG, as there is now no way to protect yourself from

trains when working on or at tracks. In tunnels is no escaping possible!

Especially with the dropping of all inventory on death instead of

creating a bones block this is inacceptable!

Currently there is no secure way to protect yourself, as even removing

tracks needs an /at_reroute afterwards.

See https://li-fo.de/advbugs.mkv as example

avatar From: Developer
Wed, 17 Apr 2019 07:14:01 -0000

This is right, since I added LZB, the node collision is a bit broken. However, it was never reliable because node collisions never worked in unloaded blocks.

I told gabriel to activate the option that the items are not dropped anymore.

I will probably add a function to the Track Blocker that utilizes LZB to block the track.

avatar From: Someone else
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 22:24:01 -0000

IMHO the solution should be similar to #111 and #112.

avatar Status Update
Tue, 26 Nov 2019 14:57:01 -0000
This bug was closed.