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Re-do internationalization

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avatar From: OP
Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:28:01 -0000

Advtrains used to include intllib to do string translations. However it does no more since the interlocking system. Now intllib is throwing warnings. (See forum page 54)

I need to update the i18n support code and mark translation strings, best in one go.

Btw, would be a good time to either add more advtrains.pcall wrappers or remove them altogether.

avatar From: Developer
Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:37:01 -0000

147@bugs.linux-forks.de writes:

> Btw, would be a good time to either add more advtrains.pcall wrappers

> or remove them altogether.

IMHO these wrappers should be kept at a minimum and only be used where

there is user-supplied code, so a LuaATC can't crash the server. pcall

might have a considerable overhead.

avatar Status Update
Sun, 26 Jul 2020 18:50:01 -0000
This bug was closed.